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A Quick Guide to get found on Google  from SEO Experts in Tanzania 

When you’re searching for a good school for your kids or a skilled mechanic, your first move is likely to ask Google, your go-to friend for advice. It’s like having a knowledgeable buddy right there to help. 

At Google you  not only  looking for something nearby; you also explore different  options  , compare prices, and choose the one that best fits your needs and budget.

Having a website  higher Ranking   on Google is a dream of  any Entrepreneur who want to prosper in  business. But how do you get there? Let me break it down for you, like your friendly SEO expert buddy from Tanzania.

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  • Select the Right Keywords

Think of your website like a secret language that Google understands. It’s not just about using common words; it’s about using the right words that fit your business. As an SEO expert in Tanzania, you’ve to use words that people there are familiar with. Don’t try to force in words where they don’t fit. 

 Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest  or Google’s autocomplete  will  help you find the exact words people are using when they search for service /product like the one you sell.

  • Don’t Forget to Include Meta Tags

In the world of websites, meta tags are like a quick introduction. They don’t directly change your ranking, but they can make more people click on your website. It’s like saying, “Hey, this is what my website is about, and here’s why you should check it out!”

  • Add Your Website to Local Directories.

If you want to be known in your local area, you have to let people know you’re there. It’s the same with Google. Studies show that a lot of people look for local businesses online. So, make sure your Google My Business Page has the right information, like your name, address, and phone number. It’s like being a good neighbor, telling everyone around that there’s a friendly SEO expert in Tanzania ready to help.

  • Make Sure Your Site Is Mobile Friendly

In a world where everyone uses their phones, your website needs to be friends with mobiles. Imagine if your website is a friendly pet that everyone likes. Three out of every five searches happen on mobiles! Google loves websites that are nice to phones. So, make sure your website looks good and loads fast on all sizes of screens. It’s like making sure your pet is friendly to everyone.

  • Submit Your Website URL to Google

Imagine you’ve baked the perfect cake, and you’re eager to share it. But simply putting it out there doesn’t guarantee everyone will see it. Google sifts through billions of pages, using more than 200 rules to organize them. It takes about 1.375 minutes for Google to look at and remember each page. So, to speed things up, tell Google about your website. It’s like giving Google a heads-up, ensuring it knows about your updates quickly.

Register and Submit your Website into  Google search console for ease indexing.

Website Maintenance and Redesign
Digital Marketing : Away to Grow your Business TODAY..

You have a vision. We have a team to get you there!.

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In the end, being on Google is like an ongoing adventure. The rules might change, and what works today might not work tomorrow. So, to do well on this adventure, always keep an eye out for what’s new and be ready to adapt. It’s not just advice; it’s the secret to long-term success with your friendly SEO expert in Tanzania!

If getting to the first page of Google feels challenging, this article aims to provide clarity on actionable steps you can take.

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